Bar Soap for Dishwashing!

Recently I mentioned that we wash dishes with BAR soap and you had questions, so here you go!!šŸ¤ŖšŸ§¼šŸ½ļø

First, let me say that I am not anti liquid dish soap. You do you friend. šŸ˜‰ Do not come for me. Continue to live your best life and use liquid dishwashing liquid if that makes you happy.šŸ¤Ŗ

Second, we do not have a dishwasher. Well, thatā€™s not exactly true. I have THREE dishwashersā€¦just none of them are electric.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Ethan and Roo rotate days Monday through Saturday and sometime when you have a spare minute, ask Ellie how she ended up doing ALL the Sunday dishes.šŸ˜‰šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

In case you didnā€™t know, teenagers waste A LOT of liquid detergent. Like A LOT. My wallet could not keep up. šŸ¤‘ Also, just about every detergent on the market is straight up toxic. Again, donā€™t come for me. Donā€™t leave a snarky comment. Do your own research. There are some pretty nasty ingredients in most household cleaning products. I do have a couple that I liked but again, we were going through it way too fast.

The use of the bar of soap was born out of necessity. Itā€™s not hard I promise.

Wet cloth and soap.
Rub soap on cloth.
Wash dish.
Rinse and repeat.

I prefer the Kirklandā€™s Castile Soap. I get the fragrance free. Againā€¦ā€fragranceā€ as an ingredient is toxic crap. Read your labels. Toss that mess in the garbage. šŸ—‘ļø

I added the links below to what we use. The dish cloth linked below is the BOMB. šŸ’£ Itā€™s not the kind of cloth for wiping your countertopsā€¦itā€™s not absorbent. But it is amazing for washing dishes and cleaning up flour from your surfaces if youā€™re a baker! šŸ‘©šŸ»ā€šŸ³

Also, on a random side noteā€¦while we are talking about all things kitchenā€¦have you tried those Swedish dishcloths to replace your paper towels?!?!?

We havenā€™t used paper towels in years in the kitchen. We get them as sparingly as we need to for ā€pet emergenciesā€. šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜­šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø These things are amazing and so much better than the waste from paper products. You can wash them and they can usually last up to a year if taken care of well!

Let me know if youā€™ve tried them!!

Also, the soap bags below are great for the bar of soap once it gets down to a little sliver!!šŸ˜‰

One more thing b cause you might askā€¦.

How is the soap for grease cutting?

Hot water, lots of soap, no issues. We donā€™t eat lots of ā€œgreasyā€ things but we havenā€™t had any issues if done correctly. Donā€™t ask me if said teenagers above always ā€œdo it correctlyā€.šŸ½ļøšŸ¤Ŗ


AMAZON LINKS:ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø



šŸ“ŒSWEDISH DISH CLOTHS (think ā€œreusable paper towelsā€



One of my favorite things that people often ask me about is homeschooling. Iā€™m definitely not an expert but Iā€™ve learned a lot these last twelve years.

Sometimes when asked about homeschooling I want to issue a WARNING. I want to tell them that I might not be the mom they want to talk to. Ha!

There are different kinds of homeschooling moms.

There are some moms that want to recreate public school at home. They want to do school 8am to 3pm. They hang posters and alphabet charts all over the walls. They probably have a designated school room or area in their house. Public school is what they know and they might subconsciously believe that if itā€™s not just like the public they attended, then itā€™s not REAL school.

That mom is definitely not me.

There are also moms that desire to get their child into Harvard or Yale. šŸ˜‰ They develop a rigorous homeschool curriculum that rivals the finest private school education. Their children are masters of all the advanced courses. They probably speak Latin fluently.

That mom is definitely not me.

There are also moms that are creative geniuses. They develop entire units around Valentineā€™s Day. Their children work on amazing projects the entire year. They probably make a working telescope out of marshmallows and pipe cleaners.

That mom is definitely not me either.

Iā€™m the mom who backs up and punts A LOT. Iā€™m the mom thatā€™s willing to change when something isnā€™t working. Iā€™m the mom thatā€™s willing to do what works best for each CHILD, not what works best for me.

Iā€™m the mom who wants my kids to have TIME to just be KIDS. I want them to have time to participate in the arts. I want them to have time to be involved in our church activities. I want them to have time to pursue what interests them, even if it isnā€™t ā€œschoolā€ related.

Iā€™m the mom that knew what my ultimate homeschooling goal was a long time ago and Iā€™ve chased after that.


I want to have a solid relationship with each of my kids. I want to really KNOW them. I want them to be able to talk to me about anything. I want to have the kind of relationship where we can discuss hard things.

The relationship that I have with my kids is different from the relationship I had with my parents growing up. That was my goal.

At the end of the day, the relationship is more important to me than an A+ in calculus. Period.


My strongest prayer for my children is that they grow to know, love and serve Jesus. Out of that love I want them to want to serve him faithfully in whatever path they choose for themselves.

I want to see them grow in their faith and be strong in their convictions. I want them to be a part of changing their world without being OF the world.

I want to know that they have 12+ years of solid nurturing and guidance under their belts before we send them out into the world. I want them to step out into adulthood confident in WHO they are and WHOSE they are.

At the end of the day, I donā€™t panic about homeschooling. I want my kids to know HOW to learn. I want them to LOVE to learn. I want them to know that we are cheering them on no matter where God calls them. If He calls them to be a rocket scientist then yay for them! If he calls them to be a stay at home parent and raise their babies then yay for them!

I want them to know that we donā€™t judge their worth by whether or not they attend college. I want them to know that we love them the same whether they grow up to be a lawyer, a doctor or a hair stylist.

When my kids are done with their official homeschooling journey, I want them to have fond memories. I want them to treasure the time they spent at home truly getting to know their siblings and their parents. I want them to have a broad range of experiences that they hold close.

Pursue what you love. Love and serve Jesus.

Everything else comes out in the wash.

This is a book that Iā€™ve been wanting to pick up. It came highly recommended for anyone with childrenā€¦whether you homeschool or not. I downloaded it today on Audible and Iā€™m excited to get started.

Wanted to share for those of you who homeschool or whoā€™ve had it on your heart to pursue something different.

Love You All,


Managing versus Living

What a weird season the world has been in lately. Things just feel different.

Iā€™ve wanted to hide away and get out there, all at the same time.

Iā€™ve wanted to mingle with dear friends and hole up with my little family, all at the same time.

Iā€™ve wanted to bury my head in the sand and fight back, all at the same time.

How about you? How are things going in your corner of the world?

Weā€™ve had a busy summer here so far. All fun things but SO busy. The big kids have church camps coming up, Ellie and Roo are excited to be in a play this summer, weā€™ve had vacation Bible school and other camps AND are excited about our annual reunion trip with Down syndrome/adoption friends. Iā€™m exhausted just typing that all out!

My mind is thinking ahead to getting school curriculum ordered for this fall and one of the kids even mentioned CHRISTMAS today!!! Hold up and let me survive the summer first! Ha!

I love doing all the things but often I long for simpler times. I feel like I spend all my time managing life.

I started reading a book this week that has been on my list for a whileā€¦


Man, talk about convicting! I feel like she is speaking directly to me. Iā€™ve been listening to the book on Hoopla (if you donā€™t have this app, runā€¦donā€™t walk and download it!!) so I havenā€™t underlined any quotes or favorite passages. But this stuck with meā€¦

There is a difference in MANAGING life and LIVING it.


I feel like I am in constant management mode. I feel like Iā€™m the only one who KNOWS all the things. I manage my own business from home, I work a part-time job for someone else from home, I know when all the things need to happen, I know when things need to be purchased, I know when the bills are due, I know who has to be where and when.


But the things I do are GOOD.

Itā€™s good when I remember to get my girls to ballet on the right days and at the right times.

Itā€™s good when I remember we need to buy more peanut butter and fruit or that itā€™s time to swap out the washer and the dryer loads.

Itā€™s good when I remember that I need to pay the car insurance by a certain day so that we still have insurance.

All good things.

But Iā€™m realizing that I am focusing on management instead of life.

I donā€™t want to leave this earth and my kids talk about me by saying things likeā€¦

ā€œMomma was so good at putting together a grocery budgetā€¦ā€

ā€œMomma was so good at posting on social mediaā€¦ā€

ā€œMomma did a great job at keeping the laundry caught upā€¦ā€

Cue the momma tears.

I want them to remember that I was PRESENT.

I want them to remember seeing me without my phone or my iPad in my hands.

I want them to remember me saying YES instead of maybe later.

I want them to remember me looking into their eyes when they spoke to me.

Some days I do really wellā€¦there are moments…

I love that all three of my big kids come and sit with me at night and talk about all the random things on their minds.

I love that Iā€™ve created a different relationship with my children than I have with my parents.

I love that my children will remember that Momma always sang and danced at home and made them laugh and that I wasnā€™t afraid to laugh at myself.

Iā€™m committed to making changes and admitting when I can do better…

Iā€™m committed to spending less time with a phone in my hands and more time holding theirs.

Iā€™m committed to making sure my children have memories of me DOING the things instead of just WATCHING the things.

Iā€™m committed to finding a balance between connection on social media and disconnecting to make my family my top priority.

Iā€™m looking forward to unplugging on an upcoming family trip.

I want to be a better steward of my time when it comes to work so that my children know they come first.

Iā€™ve dabbled some on the Telegram app as a way to step back from Facebook. It feels good…if you miss me on Facebook, you can find me there.

I plan to spend more time here on my blog when I just need an outlet to write and share and talk things through. It wonā€™t matter if anyone ever reads it. It will still have served its purpose.

I want to truly connect with friends and not just through social media. I want to go have coffee face to face. I want to invite a friend to a movie. I want to make that phone call to catch up.

Praying that God opens my eyes to the ways I can take off my management hat and put on my living hat.

I want to have a life WELL LIVED not WELL MANAGED.

Iā€™m guessing you do too.

Happy World Down Syndrome Day!!

Happy World Down Syndrome Day!! šŸ’™šŸ’› Today on 3/21 we celebrate. See these three cuties below? While you have TWO copies of your 21st chromosome, they have THREE!

Want to know what comes in that third copy?

A lot of extra sweetness (most days) šŸ˜‰

A lot of extra stubborn (every day) šŸ¤£

A lot of extra love ā¤ļø

Thatā€™s what I see.

Want to know what the world sees?

They see the r-word. šŸ˜”

They see a burden. šŸ˜”

They see incompetence. šŸ˜”

Today I love to see you wearing your crazy socks and yellow & blue to celebrate my babies. #rockyoursocks šŸ’™šŸ’›

But even more, Iā€™d love for you to stand with my babies.

When someone uses the r-word around you, SPEAK UP. Tell them itā€™s hurtful. Ask them to choose a different word.

When you look at my babies, see them for the blessing they are. Do we have hard days? Yes. But doesnā€™t every one?

When you interact with my babies, ASSUME COMPETENCE. They can do the things! Sometimes it just takes them a little longer or they have to do it in a different way.

Today we celebrate.

But we also want to advocate and educate.

We want you to see our babies as we see them.

You are creating the world my babies live in.

Do them proud.šŸ’™šŸ’›

Well, hello there….

Gosh, itā€™s been a hot minute since Iā€™ve been here.

Remember when blogs were all the rage? I used to check many of them faithfully every day. I followed the lives of families I didnā€™t even know. Ha!

Then along came Facebook. I remember being at lunch with a group of local moms who were chatting about being on Facebook. I chimed in that I was on Facebook too! One of the moms said, ā€œYouā€™re on Facebook but youā€™re not ON Facebook!ā€ TouchĆ©…I had an account but didnā€™t actively post or even interact much.

Obviously I took that as a challenge and stepped up my game. She might have created a monster. Ha!

I went on to use Facebook to connect with current friends, old friends and even to make new friends. Facebook helped me share my love of oils with you and helped us through the hardest seasons during our adoptions, job loss and so much more.

It has been a blessing in many ways.

But itā€™s also been a curse and a distraction.

At times it has drawn me in and wasted my time. Itā€™s made friends enemies when I shared an unpopular opinion. It has raised my blood pressure. Itā€™s trapped me into comparison and made me feel less than.

Iā€™ve taken breaks throughout the years and sometimes Iā€™ve just wanted to walk away completely. But ugghhhhhh….itā€™s so hard. It feels like an addiction. Knowing whatā€™s going on in your friendsā€™ lives, seeing cute pictures of their kids and reading funny stories. It feels like Facebook has become such a source of education for me too. So many great groups I belong to where I have learned so much. When I took breaks from FB, I missed those groups so much.

I see so many friends jumping ship for other apps.

Iā€™ve tried a few of them but it all feels the same. Like Iā€™m feeding an addiction….an addiction for information maybe? Itā€™s just a weird feeling to try and unpack my relationship with social media.

I hardly remember not having it.

How did I interact with friends before social media?

Wonder if Yahoo groups are still a thing?šŸ¤”šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

Anyway, Iā€™m rambling at this point. Not sure what the future holds for the way we connect.

I do know that I love the connection I have with all of you on social media and Iā€™m not sure how to foster that without it.

I donā€™t think thereā€™s a perfect answer.

I think for now, Iā€™m going to evaluate the ways I really want to connect with friends, businesses and educational groups online.

I want to spend more time writing here even if itā€™s only for me. (Maybe my mom reads it too. Ha!)

Blogs can feel so one sided….if you hopped over and read this post, Iā€™d love for you to comment and say hi.

I think if you scroll up above my picture, you can click ā€œLeave a Commentā€. Maybe one of these days Iā€™ll master all of this! Ha!

How do you really connect with friends near and far? Is social media overwhelming for you too right now? Iā€™d love to hear.ā¤ļø

Love You friend.
